
Lecture Notes

As the lecture drawls on, a sinking feeling enters my chest. Our class is evaluating the IPCC AR6 report that was released last March. The line, “There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all (very high confidence),” plays over in my head. I feel heavy, and

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Spring pulsates with new lifeEnergy flows through the ground and up through our roots and veinsWe feel it and reach our arms and branches up to the sky, stretching up and upEven before the buds begin opening, energy flows like a currentYou can’t see it but you can feel itOur inner worlds are bursting from

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Blurred Lines

Yet again, I find myself at another airport. A flight to take me away to somewhere else. I’ll fly in the sky, and then I’ll land and continue this life of mine. I sit here, 22 years old, about to start my final term at university. I can remember so clearly when I graduated high

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Our Own World

The air smelled like wet trees and cow manure. I slowly walked across the school field, dragging my feet across the grass. My classmate’s loud yelling carried me across the entire field.  I could feel my socks becoming damp. There must be some holes in my shoes. They were pink, and they used to have

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Sacred Species and Conservation: The Case of the Spirit Bear

Introduction With the rising acknowledgements for the rights and knowledge of Indigenous Peoples worldwide, the topic of sacred spaces and species has become part of the debate surrounding conservation sciences. As a scientific field and practice, conservation has its roots in colonial history and has been criticized for perpetuating neo-colonialism and green grabbing (Kashwan et

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This Moment

I am a tree. My home is an evergreen rainforest surrounded by the sea. My life started on a warm sunny day. I started in the wind; at least a part of me did. The seeds that were dispersed from my mother were my brothers and sisters, scattered everywhere. I watched them drop; some flew.

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